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Cunnilingus1918 5 years ago
Wow.. that’s some upper echelon, top draw, next level woman & Pussy.
Seriously I can’t even describe what I’d do to her because it would take at least 5TB’s of data... but I’ll say this.
Before we started we’d have to have a nurse intravenously hook us up with not one or two but a box full each of saline solution bags because we ain’t stopping for the foreseeable future.. hence the minimum 5TB’s of data to fully describe what would be going on..
Nothing doing with those skinny young women for me, this woman & those like her are what I’m talking about.
ronnie971 6 years ago
Mmmmmm I'd love to slide my cock deep into her pussy and pound her hard making her tits bounce and shake all over. Then suck and bite on her nipples for a while then titty fuck her for a few minutes. Then slide my cock back into her wet pussy and pound her hard making her pussy even wetter and cum deep inside her pussy and she squeezes my cock. Then I'll have her suck my cock clean and hard again then fuck her all over again.
aaros 8 years ago
Wow what a cunt in Pic 12.
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