Step Mom’s Pussy Is A Dish Of The Day

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Virtual Taboo VR
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Your father has always worked hard to provide for the family. His long hours and time away led to his divorce from your mom. It has continued into his second marriage to your smoking hot stepmom... Read more Your father has always worked h?rd to ?rovide for the family. His long hours and tim? away led to his divorce from your mom. It has ?ontinued into his second marriage to your smoking hot stepmom Jasmine Jae. You can tell she is starting to get upset with his frequent last nights at the office and constant cancellations when they have plans. After your father cancels yet another home cooked meal, Jasmine decides not to let it go to waste. She calls you to the table and pours you both a glass of wine. You appreciate the drink, but are shocked when mom comes back from the kitchen with two ripe watermelons covering her naked breasts. Making her intentions clear, Jasmine drops the fruit and shows of her massive melons. Dinners are not the only think dad is neglecting and his horny wife needs cock. She wants yours and you are way too turned on to turn her down. Tearing your pants open, Jasmine smiles at how big and hard your cock is. Stuffing it into her mouth, she sucks like a woman who has been neglected for too long. Mom sits in your lap, taking your meat inside of her as she makes you promise to never tell your father. Giving your busty mom all you've got, you ride her from behind and make those big tits bounce as she cried out in ecstasy. She turns around to milk a load of your jizz onto her face. Let your dad keep working nights, you know how to take care things around the house while he's away.

Published by virtualtaboo
4 years ago
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